thanksgiving utila 2021
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! My birthday was lovely & I am so grateful for all those who took the time to wish me a happy birthday. I am also thankful to have been able to spend it with amazing friends & family, and to eat delicious Thanksgiving food, and have cupcakes for dinner!
This is how I spent my birth day 53 years removed:
It started with a birthday video call with my incredible husband, all the way from Germany.


Then I donned workout clothes.

Followed by preparing a Utila-style sunomono salad (very untraditional Thanksgiving food). And doing a little bit of work before my workout.

In Utila, time flies. It’s like we are in a weird space-time continuum (what does that REALLY mean)? So shortly thereafter, I proceeded to cast off my workout clothes (it WAS my birthday after all, where I am entitled to ‘just’ good intentions), as I had run out of time to work out.


I took a shower. Headed to Mark & Tamara‘s for Thanksgiving lunch, being careful to wear proper stretchy Thanksgiving dinner-wear in anticipation of some incredible food. A big thank you to Tamara & Mark, the hostess with the mostess!
Utila Tradewinds Lakes
Photo Credit: Jakob Leyburn

As the girls and I turned the corner from Bando Beach, we discovered the new rainy season Tradewinds Waterways!  Thankfully our Club Car golfcart acts like it has a 4-wheel drive since it was needed to get through! LOL.
It looks like Jakob & Ana are taking advantage of the situation here!
Once we arrived, the Thanksgiving feast could barely be contained on the huge kitchen island. The colorful lunch spread looked heavenly and was replete with sweet potatoes and brown sugar (now my fave), turkey, ham, salads (don’t worry, there was no room on my plate for that), corn souffle, homemade rolls, deviled eggs which did not make it to the main course and lots of desserts. It was a dinner fit for kings and queens, princes & princesses. 
After a lovely afternoon, and a fuller-than-full belly, I discovered a Tupperware filled with about 9 cupcakes-to-go (courtesy of the most amazing woman Tamara)! Trinity was in a food coma & so we rolled ourselves out to the golf cart and rolled ourselves home. Back through Tradewinds Waterways and out to The Point, we had to stop to take advantage of the famous & incredible Utila sunset! We had an impromptu photoshoot in front of one of Utila’s best sunset viewing locations – The Bridge.
Thanksgiving 20211125 Julie Shigetomi
Rolling up to the house, we vegged out on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon watching real-life Squid Games on Youtube. We were too full from lunch to even think about dinner, although I did have room for about 5 cupcakes disguised as my dinner.
I had an amazing birthday! The best I could have while missing my better half. Thanks to you all! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving too and that you had and have lots to be thankful for as well. ❤❤❤
p.s. I’m sorry Collin that your face got messed up in the panoramic!