Chepas Beach Restoration Utila

Chepa’s Beach Renovation!

Written by: Mathi Causse

Just recently, Semana Santa was upon us bringing lots of tourists to the island to celebrate and have fun. In preparation for this, the municipality of Utila and some helpful citizens renovated the beach to accommodate the traffic of people that were to arrive.

The restoration included adding more sand to make up for the space lost after the hurricanes at the end of last year. Honduras was devastated by hurricanes Eta and then soon after by the tropical storm Iota. Our island of Utila got lucky, the only major problem we experienced was a ton of rain keeping us inside, the gusts of wind shaking the trees and damaging docks . One casualty was damage to the public beach Chepa’s. Strong winds caused waves to crash against the beach eroding the sand away.

In addition to bringing in sand to replace what was lost, the charming little shady palapas in the ocean were repaired or replaced as some of them had fallen over or were damaged. On the beachfront, more benches were added. They also re-established the boundary between the road and the beach, hoping to stop any vehicles from entering the restored areas.

Now with the beach restored, we can enjoy an outing to the beach with friends and family and have enough space and sand for all of us! Thanks to the Municipality of Utila and Bryan Borden Photography for the amazing pictures of the renovated beach.