Jack Neal Big Rock Beachfront Home for Sale

We had some technology problems on Wednesday trying to do a live video scheduled for 3pm… we finally got connected at about 4pm. That’s what you call ‘island time’. If the timing upset you, then perhaps island life isn’t for you. However, if you laughed at the tardiness and technology issues, then Utila just might be the right place for you!

So here’s the live video we made on Wednesday Feb 3rd, however, I thought it was the 5th… and now this is what you call ‘Utila Time’! Every day is a play day.

The Big Rock Beach Beauty is perched on a beautiful white sandy beach, on a private boat access property set atop Utila’s incredible barrier reef system. Your new friends will be two-legged as well as colorful, fin-adorned, big-eyed creatures! Enjoy the live video: Live Facebook Video Walk-through

LMK (That’s kid-talk for Let-Me-Know) what you think. And while we are on ’emoji-speak’, I just learned that I may have offended some of you with my emojis! Find out how on the next post…