Recovery Update…?

 I’m back with more news on the victims of the wee attack mentioned in a previous blog. Unfortunately its not good news. The crape jasmine in front of the office has been stripped again. The wee wees must really like the leaves, not even two weeks after the first attack they return to plunder the hard work of the crape jasmine trying to grow back its leaves.

A bit hard to see the damage cause of the plants behind the crape jasmine, so here is that weird angle again to get a better look at the missing leaves.










But there is a bit of saving grace to this unfortunate event, more flowers have bloomed!

In the last blog post about the recovery of these plats, I mentioned and showed that the crape jasmine had a couple of flower buds. Well, now some of those buds have bloomed into flowers!

And although there are no leaves to accompany them, they are beautiful regardless!



An interesting discovery, while taking the pictures of crape jasmine, I noticed a starting ant nest right next to the tree!

I couldn’t quite make out if they were wee wees as they were quite small compared to the ants near the Jamaica apple tree. They could be the true culprits. But I’ve never actually caught them in the act, so for now its mere speculation.




Now onto the hibiscus flower bush. Earlier this week the yard was cleaned up and during this, the hibiscus got a bit of a trim.


So it looks slimmer than before. Fortunately no wee wees returned for round two.  The leaves it grew back in the last week are still there and flowers are blooming in different spots as well.

And, as I was taking pictures of the flower bush, I noticed another ant nest starting right next to this one! They are everywhere! And again, can’t make out if the are wee wees or not. Most of the ants look the same to me except for their size.


Continuing to the first ant nest I found under the Jamaica apple tree, it has grown. Quite drastically if I do say so myself. The comparison is shocking to say the least.

And there is a lot more activity from the ants as well. That makes sense considering how much bigger the ant hill looks. This also means they will need a whole lot more foliage to fill up the space they have created. So, more trees and bushes are probably going to be stripped of their leaves in the future.

Sooner rather than later, we should try to get rid of them. Just a quick recap on how you can do this. There are two methods, drenching and spraying. With drenching you would get a solution of water and insecticide and basically flood the ant nest. With spraying, you would again get a solution of water and insecticide and spray the ant nest.

Since I have never done this before I can not say which method works best.

That’s it for this recovery update, you can read the previous blog posts here and here have a wonderful weekend!